Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Hate-Mongering Leftists Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando

2 People Receive Minor Injuries During Attack

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A group of protestors stormed and then ransacked a Bush-Cheney headquarters building in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, according to Local 6 News. Local 6 News reported that several people from the group of 100 Orlando protestors face possible assault charges after the group forced their way inside the Republican headquarters office.

The Attacks from the Hate-Mongering Left have intensified in the past few days and will no doubt grow stronger as the election draws near. It is the goal of these communist hate-filled monsters to destroy what America stands for and replace that with the failed politics of dead tyrants. Self defense against these sub-human beasts is advocated here.


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