Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A-rabs seek to protect their murderous child rapist "prophet" against critsism

Arab and Islamic governments should pressure the United Nations to ban the slandering of religions, said more than 200 Arab politicians who renewed their criticism today of the contentious Prophet Muhammad cartoons.

The call, which was made at the end of a two-day conference at a Dead Sea resort in Jordan, comes amid outrage felt throughout the Islamic world over the publication in a Danish newspaper of a series of cartoons of Islam’s prophet.“We urge

Arab and Muslim governments to spare no effort to pressure the UN to issue a resolution banning the slandering of religions,” the politicians from 16 Arab countries representing the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union said in a statement.


The socialist kooks at the UN will no doubt go along with this as it serves thier purpose. However the truth about mohammad and mohamadism will not be swept under the rug.

mohammad was a desert bandit who raped and butchered his way across the middle east to establish his religio/political system of mohamadism. mohamadism makes nazism look like the product of a rank amauter


Anonymous Anonymous said...

[quote]mohammad was a desert bandit who raped and butchered his way across the middle east to establish his religio/political system of mohamadism. mohamadism makes nazism look like the product of a rank amauter[Quote]

So in fact the same background as we have right? Christians did exactly that too! Crusaders, Spanish inquisition and such... So should we fear the pope and all his followers now? Well, maybe we should fear Bush for his extremistic use of the Holy Book, I cannot believe God is "with him" either. You know, extremism is not all that far from home as many of us think, it is lurking at us, just around the corner. It has many faces, religious or not. Aggression and vanity go hand in hand as they abuse the words that many like to believe in...

2:59 PM  

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