Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pro-Freedom Artists

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Young Americans: Living With Snipers

Click the link and watch.

I got a qoute for that douche harry reid

Dems propose bill to help jihadies

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, standing firmly against a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, said Tuesday that he will veto the latest war spending bill taking shape in Congress.

"I'm disappointed that the Democratic leadership has chosen this course," Bush said.

"They chose to make a political statement," he said. "That's their right but it is wrong for our troops and it's wrong for our country. To accept the bill proposed by the Democratic leadership would be to accept a policy that directly contradicts the judgment of our military commanders."

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Muslims climbed atop church roofs to rip off the crosses.

J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Some zealot Muslims have climbed atop church roofs to rip off the crosses.

Christians have been threatened with their lives if they do not remove crosses from their churches.

Per AsiaNews: “’Get rid of the cross or we will burn your Churches’. This is the threat aimed at the Chaldean Church of St's Peter and Paul, located in the ancient Christian quarter of Baghdad, Dora.

“Local sources say an unknown armed Islamic group is behind the threats which are inseminating terror in the capital. The Arab website and Aina news agency speak of a campaign of persecution in act in the area. Even Mosul, a Sunni stronghold, the Christian presence is being gravely threatened. “Msgr. Shlemon Warduni, Chaldean auxiliary bishop of Baghdad, tells AsiaNews ‘in the last 2 months many Churches have been forced to remove their crosses from their domes’.

“In the case of the Church of St. George, assira, Muslim extremists took the situation into their own hands: they climbed onto the roof and ripped out the cross. “In the Chaldean Church of St John, in Dora, which has been without a pastor for months now, the parishioners themselves decided to move the cross to a safer place following repeated threats.” Christians in droves have fled Iraq. Many remaining there have been slain by zealot Muslims.

Christians are considered damned. They are the chief infidels and therefore, according to the Koran, must be eliminated from the planet. They deserve eternal fire, per Koran’s murder and maiming verses.


mohammad would be proud
Religion of pieces

From "The Lone Voice"

It seems that little Ahmed had been studying very hard in his elementary school Danish language class, and when he took the exam, he got a perfect score.

The teacher made a big fuss over Ahmed when she presented him with his certificate.

“Congratulations, Ahmed!” she said. “You are now a Dane!”

Ahmed was so excited and happy and proud that he ran all the way home. Bursting into the house, he cried to his father, “Papa! Papa! Look: I got an A! Now I am a Dane!”

His father became very angry and slapped him across the face. “You filthy little boy! You have shamed our entire family!”

Ahmed burst into tears. “I don’t understand,” he wailed; “I was so proud! I will have to show my certificate to Mama.”

He found his mother in the kitchen. “Mama! Mama! Today I am a Dane!”

His mother scowled at him and slapped his face. “You should be ashamed of yourself! You have brought dishonor to your whole family!”

Ahmed cried even harder. “This is awful! Why is this happening to me? I have only been a Dane for twenty minutes, and already I have been attacked by two immigrants!”

Mohammed complains to his doctor:
"Every time I have sex with a Danish girl my eyes gets terribly sore."
The doctor runs a few tests and comes back with the result:
"No wonder. You're allergic to pepper spray!"
and some more I have added:

Q. How many muslims does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
A. What's toilet paper?

Q. What do Muslim men do during foreplay?
A. Tickle the goat under the chin.

Q. What do you say to a Muslim with his arm all the way up a camel's rump?
A. "Having car trouble?"

A man goes into an adult entertainment shop and asks
the assistant for an inflatable doll.

"Would you like male or female?"

"Female, please."

"Would you like Black or White?"

"White, please."

"Would you like Christian or Muslim?"

This question confused the man, so he asked,
"What has the religion got to do with it? It's an
inflatable doll!"

"Well," explained the assistant, "The Muslim one blows
itself up!"

How many Palestinians does it take to change a light bulb? None! They sit in the dark forever and blame the Jews for it!

A Palestinian girl says to her mommy, "After Abdul blows up, can I have his room?"


The term "Ismail Ax" is used to demonstrate the mohammadan penchant for murder. mohammadans believe Ishmael was their ancestor and hold some twisted ideas about him, ideas that are about as nutty as their caricatures of Jesus, Moses, and Abraham etc..

Notice the date this video was added, and the term"Ismail Ax" used. It was not an invention of the VT Shooter, it is standard muslim fare.

Added November 05, 2006
From AutoTom

Friday, April 20, 2007

Anti-Jihad Caucus


Posted 4/12/2007

War On Terror: Maintaining a high level of vigilance against an enemy is wearisome business, especially in this war. We salute those who have not succumbed to 9/11 fatigue.

One tireless watchdog is Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., who earlier this year founded the Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus to educate fellow lawmakers and Americans in general about the threat from militant Islam.

"The general public doesn't understand the threats we face from radical jihadists — who they are, what they want and what we can do about the threat," the feisty Myrick says on her Web site. "Americans are not being properly informed about the nature of the jihadist threat and their plans to do us harm."

This is an understatement. The media and academia have whitewashed jihad or ducked the issue entirely, petrified as they are of looking intolerant toward Muslims. Meantime, well-funded apologists such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations have gone on the offensive against the few critics who have spoken out, further confusing Americans about the gravity of the threat.

"The jihadists have become incredibly advanced in their public relations efforts," Myrick lamented. And we have limited tools to counteract their propaganda, thanks to institutionalized religious tolerance even for creeds hostile to our way of life.

The Anti-Jihad Caucus dares to right that imbalance. Its main goal is to educate members of Congress about the Islamic threat so they can talk candidly to their constituents about it. Myrick has already recruited more than 80 members to join her — including even some Democrats, such as Bud Cramer of Alabama and Ben Chandler of Kentucky.

"The group is currently learning about a variety of issues involving jihad, such as the history of Islam, the differences and similarities of Sunni and Shia Muslims, terrorist financing, terrorist use of the Internet, and terrorist infiltration techniques," Myrick said.

Conservative Students Join in Nationwide Demonstration Against Islamic Fascism

In one of the most extensive demonstrations ever staged by American college conservatives, close to one hundred university and college campuses across the country yesterday held an "Islamo Fascism Awareness Day." Thousands of students were involved in the event, which was coordinated by the Terrorism Awareness Project, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center whose objective is to counter college students' lack of awareness about the War on Terror and the disinformation about it propagated by radical faculty and student groups.

A total of 96 colleges and universities, including Pace University, Columbia, Duke, Notre Dame, North Carolina, Purdue, Ohio State, Alabama, Colorado and other prominent schools, together with three high schools and two military bases, marked the event by showing Obsession, a documentary film using materials from Arab TV rarely seen in the West and interviews with authorities on Middle East politics, former jihadists, and experts on terrorism to take the viewer inside the worldview radical Islam and its plans for world domination.

Freedom Center President David Horowitz said that the event represented a clear challenge to faculty and administrators who, in the name of political correctness, have sought to shut down debate about Islamic extremism: "The simultaneous showing of a film exposing the Islamist threat at nearly 100 universities is a tremendous victory for the forces of freedom and for intellectual diversity, which are now under attack."

Reports from many of the participating schools gave a sense of the success of the event. Ryan McCool, Chairman of the College Republicans at Temple University commented after the showing that "the student who participated left with a better understanding of the evil that exists in the world." And Harrison Sontag, a student at Dartmouth who coordinated the event there, said, "Everyone was completely blown away by the film. Many had no idea exactly how large and credible a threat our enemy is."

But on some campuses, students attempting to present this program about the nature of radical Islam complained about being pressured, and in some cases openly harassed, to cancel the eventintimidation, they said, that proved exactly how necessary the Terrorism Awareness Project is. Josiah Lanning, a student at Ohio's Columbus State Community College, recounted how, when he was filling out the paperwork for the event, the school's activities center required him to "tone down" his proposed flyer for the showing of Obsession because it referred to Hezbollah and similar groups as terrorist organizations, Lanning was next told to suspend the film until further notice because of the tragedy at Virginia Tech. Only after he appealed to the dean of students at the college was Lanning finally permitted to proceed with the showing.

Carl Soderberg, chair of the University of New Haven's College Republicans chapter, encountered similar resistance: "There were some faculty members who pressured me to postpone the film until they could find someone who could properly frame the issue,'" he says. But he went forward, and the film was shown to some 50 students and faculty. For Soderberg the outcome was worth the difficulty: "The point of the film was to raise awareness about a problem that many have stopped thinking about in the last five and a half years, and the best place to do that is on a college campus."

Ruth Malhotra, a student at Georgia Tech and a member of the school's College Republicans chapter, had perhaps the most difficult time. Among the hurdles erected by the school, Malhotra faced interference by opposed faculty and school administrators, boycotts and counter-demonstrations from left-wing student groups -- and even death threats designed to prevent the screening. Given day long police protection as she presented Obsession on the Tech campus, Malhotra observed: "It's important for students to know that violent Islamic extremism does pose a threat to our way of life, and to challenge that threat we have to understand what it is we're up against."

Stephen Miller, a senior at Duke University and national coordinator of the Terrorism Awareness Project, summed up the meaning of the historic, day-long experience: "Islamo Fascism Awareness Day is necessary because of the denial and ignorance about terrorism on the part of many students," says "These factors, combined with the unholy alliance between anti American and pro jihad groups on many campuses has made for a lethal combination. We're in a fight for survival and many students are on the sidelines."

There can be no denyin'
that the wind 'll shake 'em down
And the flat world's flyin'.
There's a new plague on the land.

Jihadist Video Shows Boy Beheading Man

Heads up by Bax on this one.

KILI FAQIRAN, Pakistan (AP) - The boy with the knife looks barely 12. In a high-pitched voice, he denounces the bound, blindfolded man before him as an American spy. Then he hacks off the captive's head to cries of "[Allah] is great!" and hoists it in triumph by the hair.

A video circulating in Pakistan records the grisly death of Ghulam Nabi, a Pakistani militant accused of betraying a top Taliban official who was killed in a December airstrike in Afghanistan.


Animals think by their murders they are doing God a favor..Baal/Allah would be proud...if he existed, mohammad surely would be, if he were not in hell for doing much the same things.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Jesus of Mohammad’s Islam

The Jesus of Mohammad’s Islam

Who is the Jesus (Isa) of the Kuran? Is the Jesus of the Kuran the same as The Jesus of The Bible? In investigating the Jesus of the Kuran the first thing that must come into focus is that the Jesus of the Kuran is viewed through the lens of Islam, through the teaching of Muhammad and has nothing to do with the Christian New Testament view. 1 The framework of Islam defines and gives existence to the Isa (Jesus) contained in its pages. The Isa of The Kuran is framed in the words of Mohammad, and viewed though his vision of himself as the final prophet of Allah. 2

To make a claim on Jesus as a prophet of his Islam, Mohammad argued his Allah was the Supreme Allah, and indeed the same Elohim the Christians and Jews worshipped, and that Jesus was one of Allah’s messengers. The Christians and Jews rejected Mohammad’s Allah as YHWH. 3 In his Kuran, Mohammad presents us with a very interesting tale of a person he calls “Isa,” and this Isa was one whom Mohammad claimed was the very same Jesus, which is known though the New Testament narrative. The Christians of the time rejected the idea that Jesus was a prophet of Islam, or messenger of Mohammad’s Allah from the very onset of the construction of Mohammad’s religion. 4 However, there are some other considerations one must make before jumping right to the Isa story in the Kuran and ahadith. In Mohammad’s Islam for example, there exists a tradition of co-opting the Jewish prophets and making them into prophets of Islam.

From Adam through Abraham, Moses down to Jesus all are co-opted by Mohammad and placed into his religion as revered Muslim prophets. According to Mohammad’s religion all these individuals were prophets who made known the message of Islam, which according to Mohammad was rejected by those who heard and the message of the prophets and was obscured through of the deception of Jews and Christians who perverted the message of Mohammad’s Allah. So the Islamic “Jesus” is now a little closer to being understood, he is/was a prophet of Islam, not the Son of YHWH, but a messenger of Allah.5 Of course this is all very interesting considering there was no such thing as Islam until Mohammad invented it in the 7th century A.D., but why should the facts get in the way of religious dogma?

Mary (Mariam) in Islam is another interesting caricature of a biblical caricature. The Mary of The New Testament is the mother of Jesus, and wife of Joseph and descendant of King David of whom the New Testament scripture declares that Jesus was conceived in her by a supernatural act of The Holy Spirit.6 At this point Moslems make the spurious accusation against Christians in a distortion of Christian doctrine and scripture that somehow Christians believe and teach that God had sex with Mary. But what does the Kuran teach about “Mary?” First off the teaching of Islam is that Christians teach that Mary is a part of the trinity along with Jesus and God, 7 which the Bible makes clear is no where near the truth.8 Then Mohammad goes on to speak for his Isa invention on the matter and explains how the Christians have distorted the truth of Allah. Well its plain that the distorter of Christian teaching was Mohammad himself, Mohammad’s complete lack of biblical knowledge for one whom is a supposed “prophet of God” is quite telling, and Moslems around the world are bound in his falsity.

The Mariam of Islam has an even more interesting aspect that when held up for examination in logic shines more light into the darkened corners of Mohammad’s distorted dogma. According to the teaching of Mohammad’s Kuran the “Mary” that is contained it its pages was thought to be a female when delivered in birth, however an interesting comment is made that says that Mariam’s mother ('Imrân) thought she gave birth to a female but “Allah knows better.” Ok, so if 'Imrân is looking down at her child and sees that it is a female, and then Allah’s angel comes along and says “ you think the child a female but Allah knows better” then that can only leave us with a couple choices to make of the mothers understanding of her child’s gender.

Choice one, is that 'Imrân could not tell the difference between a female and a male, of course one would have to wonder how she ever got pregnant or married in the first place if she were so ignorant of gender. Next in line is that 'Imrân only thought she saw female genitalia but was in fact mistaken somehow, perhaps by size? But then that would not answer the question of how Mariam would grow up, get pregnant and have a child…so, what was it about Mariam’s gender that “Allah knew better” about? If the child was not a female as 'Imrân believed because “Allah knew better” than that would mean the child was a male as there are only two genders, and two possible choices right? 9 Or is there a third choice, a “third gender?” It is clear from Islamic teaching that Allah does not beget sons, that Allah has no son.10 So, we have to ask, where did this sexually ambiguous Mariam of Islam, whom the Kuran calls a virgin, get her son? Well according to the story it seems an angel appeared to Mariam and told her she would have a male child, Mariam being the proper Moslem girl asked questions of how this cold be seeing she had not been unchaste? Yes, how indeed?

The story goes on that after the angel told her she would become pregnant that Mariam went behind a screen, alone, and conceived. So, since Allah does not have sons, and did not have a son, and since the messenger came only to grant the child, how exactly did Mariam conceive? According to the New Testament narrative the power of The Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she conceived, not her egg, and no mans sperm, but a miracle of God, and the child The Son of God.6 Now, again Allah has no sons, he produced no sons, so either the angel impregnated Mariam or she was an hermaphrodite that engaged in some sort of self sex to impregnate herself? 12 It is clear how the Kuran and the New Testament completely disagree as to the nature and of Jesus Christ, the two stories are not synonymous, they are not coherent, they are not symbiotic. They are however at odds, they are in disaccord, and do not tell the same story. The distortion of the Birth of Jesus, and his nature comes from Mohammad and his Islam.

Continuing with the story of Isa, we find more disagreement between the New Testament and The Kuran. At the time Mariam was to give birth to her Isa she wandered off to a secluded place and plopped herself down at the trunk of a palm tree where she gave birth to the child of ambiguous lineage. Of course during the birth Mariam cried out that she wished she were dead instead of giving birth, makes one wonder why she would say such a thing? If this was a great gift from Allah, a chosen “prophet” to be why would Mariam rather be dead than give birth, shouldn’t she be pleased, or overjoyed at the prospect? Well the story continues that the child, just being born spoke to Mariam to comfort her from her pain and told her there was a rivulet running beneath her and she could also shake the palm tree and dates would fall down for her to eat. 13 Of course all of this is at odds with the New Testament scripture and demonstrates Mohammad’s over active imagination.

After the birth of Isa, Mariam goes wandering back to her home and is told by baby Isa not to talk to anyone, and when the folks who know her saw her with the child they said that she had committed a “strange thing,” and spoke about how upright her parents were and somehow now her chastity is in question. Well, no fear, the baby Isa spoke in complete sentences and witnessed for Mariam and let everyone know everything was fine; such was the first day in the life of baby Isa. 13

The demonstration of the sexual ambiguity of Mariam, and the undefined lineage of Isa is another clear assault on the Christian faith by Mohammad or this was what he actually believed in his ignorance of Christianity, either way it demonstrates a lack of willingness to find the truth at all costs. Jesus said; “if you seek you will find,” apparently Mohammad spent little time seeking out the truth of Christ. In the New Testament Jesus has a very clear and defined lineage, and it is mentioned in the book of Matthew and Luke. In Fact both the lineage of Joseph, and Mary are given. One of the requirements of the Messiah of Hebrew scripture is that Messiah be a descendant from the line of David.14 In fact Mohammad in his Islam tries to yank this out by the roots with his distortion of Christian truth. The Isa of Islam is an intended corruption and caricature of Jesus in the New Testament, it was Mohammad’s attempt to provide falsity and claim that distortion as the revealed truth as opposed to the “Christian corruption” of the New Testament, something which Mohammad had never read since he was an illiterate. All the prophecies concerning Christ, the place he would be born, the city, the region all attacked by the twisted little tale of Mohammad’s Isa that was plopped out under a palm tree in the desert by a hermaphrodite. The Jesus of he New Testament was born in a manger in Bethlehem; the Isa of the Kuran was born in the desert under a palm tree.

Islam, and Mohammad are certainly entitled to their own “Jesus” whom they have named Isa if they choose, the problem exists when they start to make the claim that Christians believe in the same “Jesus” when it is clear that the two claims are nowhere near even being close to one another. Indeed the beliefs of Christianity, and Islam are two opposing forces, at odds and indeed at war with one another. Paul said, “what fellowship has light with darkness, or righteousness with unrighteousness?” There is no fellowship between Christianity and Islam, there is only disharmony, and only disharmony can exist. Jesus and Satan are not comrades working together in the great cause of freedom; they do not shake hands and slap each other on the back for a job well done! No, indeed, they are involved in spiritual war; they are not seeking bridges to compromise with each other for there is no compromise with truth and lie. When truth compromises it always becomes a loser, lie will always win over a compromised truth! 15

As has been demonstrated it is clear from Christian scripture that there is to be no compromise with the world, or with the “unfruitful works of darkness” that there is no fellowship between Christ and Satan, and that then leaves only one legitimate response to Mohammad’s false claims that he worships the same God/Jesus as Christians, and that his Isa is the Jesus of the Bible, and that response is a clear and unequivocal rejection of the claims of Mohammad and his dogma. As Christians we are to “hold fast the name of Jesus,” and not to deny his name. Compromising with Islam and going along with the idea that Isa and Jesus are the same is a denial of The Son of God and a slap in the face of The Lord Christ Jesus.

The Lord Christ Jesus does not have ambiguous lineage, nor did he have a sexually ambiguous mother such as the Isa of the Kuran. That Moslems even follow such nonsense is amazing. Of-course the assault on the Jesus of the New Testament does not stop there for Mohammad and his Islam; Mohammad goes on to make even more twisted and perverted claims about Christ Jesus. So what are some of those other examples of the twisted tale of two “Jesus’?” Well, for example the Isa of the Kuran never died on the cross, and at face value, in the framework of fiction this can be accepted as long as it is understood that Christ Jesus and Isa are two different people, but since the claim is that Isa and Christ Jesus are the same person the lie of Mohammad is evident. 16

The idea that Jesus never died on the cross is a slap in the face to Christ himself, Jesus said “for this reason I have come” and John tells us that God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son” the book of Hebrews tells us that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was a superior sacrifice to those of the Mosaic law, and that through his death and resurrection he have forgiveness of sin and everlasting life. To say that Jesus never died on the cross is calling YHWH a liar; it is calling Jesus a liar, and is calling all the apostles and other witness liars. Without the death of Christ on the cross there would be no sacrifice for sin, the Isa of the Kuran did not die on the cross and so can not offer anyone any forgiveness at all. A big difference when considering between the two. The Isa of the Kuran cannot forgive sin, cannot offer eternal life, and can only lead one straight to hell.

It would be one thing if Mohammad’s Islam taught that Moslems had a prophet, born of a sexually ambiguous woman under a palm tree in the desert and that he was no divine man, just another “prophet” but was somehow able to work miracles such as raise the dead, cure the blind, heal lepers, oh and lets not forget turning clay birds into real birds and was yet retain his distinction from the Jesus of the Bible.17 On that level, on the surface, it would make more sense. However, even that scenario would not work since before Mohammad there was no such thing as Islam, despite the claims of the opposite. And, since Mohammad was the one and only, indeed the first and last prophet of Islam there could have been no one come before or after him including a miracle working Isa who supposedly foretold the coming of Mohammad.

Of course the time will come, so Mohammad tells us, that Isa will return (at the last day) and denounce all the Christians who made the claim that Jesus is the Son of God and saying that he died when he did not. This will happen because according to Mohammad Jesus is not the Son of God, did not die on the cross, and is subordinate to Mohammad. Of course it follows that if Jesus did not die on the cross, then he did not rise from the dead. Paul tells us “if Christ be not risen then your faith is vain and you are still in your sins.” Well, indeed if Christ died and did not rise then he is just another dead person who graced the stage of history. However in the Islamic tradition Isa did not die on the cross but was taken up into heaven where he will remain till the last day. Then when Isa comes back he will kill Dajjal, abolish the jiyzah and institute a final jihad during which the Moslems, lead by Isa, will kill Christians and Jews and all who do not believe in Mohammad. Isa will destroy all religions, including Christianity, so that the world is for Mohammad’s Allah alone. Then Isa will submit to Mahdi as supreme after which he will wander off only to settle down, take a wife, and have a few kids then after about forty years he will die and Mohammad will reign for all eternity! 20

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the sacrifice ordained by YHWH for the sin of humanity, without the atonement there is no forgiveness of sin, and there is no resurrection from the dead. Isa in Islam, did not die on the cross, and did not rise from the dead Isa in Mohammad’s religion is a servant of Allah, a faithful Moslem who will bend the knee to the Islamic Mahdi and enforce sharia law on the whole earth. The Isa of Islam is not the Son of God; he is not the Logos of Theos he is a Moslem who will kill Christians and Jews and secure the world for Mahdi and Allah.

The Lord Jesus Christ came to earth to do the will of the Father, he did not come to do his won will, he came to suffer and die so that forgiveness of sin could be available to all humanity. Jesus makes the distinction between him and Satan, between him and those who teach lies and falsity when he says “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Just because the Kuran says Isa was lead by the “Holy Spirit” (which cannot be God in Islamic tradition as Allah is one and has no equals) does not make him near or close or the same as The Lord Jesus of the New Testament.21

The Holy Spirit in the Kuran is as dubious a caricature as Jesus and Mary; he is called the angel, breath of God, and inspiration but never God. In fact Mohammad claimed to be the “comforter” who Jesus said the Father would send “ But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.22

So, what’s a Christian to do with all this? If you’re going to be involved with taking the Gospel to Moslems then I suggest you do just that! Take the Gospel to them and not to try and convince them that the Isa of the Kuran is the same as the Jesus of The New Testament. It is clear from what has been stated in Islamic tradition that the Isa of the Kuran is not Lord, he is not God, he is not the Son of God, and he is nothing more than a Moslem slave of Allah! Christians should take heed and not be led astray by those who would convince them that the Isa of the Kuran and The Jesus of the Bible are the same person, or that they have the same attributes or mission, they do not! Jesus said “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” he did not say “go into the world and examine others peoples religions and draw from them a false delusion and help spread their lies by using my name as a catch phrase that supposedly leads to heaven!”

The Gospel is the truth of Christ, it is the good news of the salvation of God that has come to man, and the offering of forgiveness of sin and eternal life through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.23 The Apostle John tells us:

Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 24

Christians know your Lord, know who he is and know who he is not. Do not be led astray by the lies of cults and false religions, by false prophets and deceivers. As Paul writes Timothy “study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 25 What then does this say to you for ministry? As Jesus said be “wise as serpents and gentle as doves,” don’t be mislead and do not mislead. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” no lie can set a Moslem free, allowing them to believe the cult of Isa of the Kuran can give them salvation is to make yourself the jailer as you yourself place the chains around their neck and lead them to the precipice to be cast into the lake of fire. Remain true to Jesus; confess him before men and he will confess you before the Father and his angles. This is what you must know for ministry, The Jesus of The Bible is the only true Jesus, the deceptions of false religions are just that, deceptions! If you’re going to be ministering to Moslems then learn what their books tell them, learn the truth of Mohammad and know that a mass murdering child rapist is no prophet of God.

Jesus says that it is the truth that frees humanity and Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comet unto the Father but by me” Jesus is the only path a Moslem can take to be free from the bondages of Islam. It is up to the Christian who knows the truth to make that path clear for them, otherwise you’ll be held accountable for the lies and deceptions you have perpetuated in the name of Christ. At lasts a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

The only right and proper way is quite literally to go with Jesus. The call to follow implies that there is only one way of believing on Jesus Christ, and that is by leaving all and going with the incarnate Son of God.

The Jesus Christ of the New Testament is the only way to the Father; the Isa of the Kuran will not get anyone into Heaven, however belief in him will keep one out. Let Mohammad “split the moon” and climb the seventh heaven to bargain with Allah about prayers, let the rest of us know the truth and live the truth, as the truth is Christ.


Tischendorf’s New Testament, Philippians 2:6, John 14:6, Matt 17:5, John 3:16, Heb 1:8, Authorized English Version

The Qur’ân, 9:30, 10:68, 19:88, 23:91, 112:1-4

Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, P.33, 73-74, Regina Orthodox Press 2002

Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, P.33, 73-74, Regina Orthodox Press 2002

The Qur’ân, 3:67, 2:136

Tischendorf’s New Testament, Luke 1:3, Authorized English Version.

Qur’ân, 5:116

Tischendorf’s New Testament, Col. 2:9, Authorized English Version.

Qur’ân, 3:35-37

Qur’ân, 112:1-4

Qur’ân, 19:17-22

Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Christianity: A Journey from Facts to Fiction,

Qur’ân, 19:22-30

Holy Bible, Isa 9:6-7, Mic 5:2, 2 Sam 7:12, Isa 7:14, KJV

Tischendorf’s New Testament, Eph. 6:12, 2 Cor 6:14-17, Eph 5:11, Authorized English Version.

Qur’ân, 4:157

Qur’ân, 3:49, 5:111

Qur’ân 61:6

Qur’ân, 4:159

Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 37:4310, Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0293, Narrated by Jabir bin ‘Abdullah, Tirmidhi, as quoted in Jesus (Isa) A.S. in Islam, and his Second Coming by Mufti A.H. Elias in

Tischendorf’s New Testament, John 10:10, Authorized English Version.

Qur’ân, 2:87, 7:157, 61:6, 2:97, 19:17, 15:29, 16:2

Tischendorf’s New Testament, John 3:16, Authorized English Version.

Tischendorf’s New Testament, 1 John 4:2-3, Authorized English Version.

Tischendorf’s New Testament, 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 119:11, Authorized English Version.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, P. 62, Simon & Schuster, 1959.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 209


Tischendorf’s New Testament, Authorized English Version, Delores Press Inc, 1998

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, Simon & Schuster, 1959.

Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, Regina Orthodox Press 2002

Sahih Muslim, Narrated by Jabir bin ‘Abdullah Tirmidhi, as quoted in Jesus (Isa) A.S. in Islam, and his Second Coming by Mufti A.H. Elias in

Qur’ân, translated Majid Fakhry, New York University Press, 2000, 2002

Holy Bible, Thomas Nelson, 1975

Sahih Bukhari, Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Merits

Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Christianity: A Journey from Facts to Fiction,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Raped 'for reading Holy Bible'

AN Iraqi Muslim man allegedly raped a Muslim woman as "punishment" for her reading the Bible.

Campbelltown District Court in Sydney's west yesterday heard Abdul Reda Al Shawany twice sexually assaulted the woman, a practising Muslim, and then said to her: "Let your Jesus help you."

muslims slit the throats of three employees of a Bible publishing house

islam is pure evil, it does not led anyone to peace, it demands perpetual violence

Koran 9:29

FIGHT THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN ALLAH, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, NOR FOLLOW THE RELIGION OF TRUTH, OUT OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE BOOK [Christians and Jews], until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and THEY ARE IN A STATE OF SUBJECTION. (9:29)