Saturday, September 18, 2004

First Young Marines Class Graduates

"Boot Camp"


After 12 demanding weeks of Marine Corps "Boot Camp," dozens of anxious youngsters from Class 1-04 crossed the stage to graduate as Parris Island's first class of Young Marines at the Depot Saturday. Approximately 39 members, ranging from ages 8 - 17, walked across the stage with their brand-new, freshly-pressed uniforms to receive a certificate of participation and to have their boots bloused by their drill instructors, which signified their transformation into Young Marines. To earn their new title, they had to go through 26 hours of training, which was led by a group of dedicated active-duty drill instructors, who volunteered three hours each Saturday to help guide the children through the recruit training-style program. Throughout the duration of the program, the "recruits" were taught close order drill, Marine Corps history, customs and courtesies, military rank structure and they also went through several hours of physical training. Colonel John Valentin, Depot Chief of Staff, took the floor as the guest speaker during the ceremony and congratulated his young audience on their success though the program. "You were all here each week," he said. "You all made it through the classes and the physical training, but let me tell you what you didn't do ... you didn't quit. No matter how hard things may have gotten, you all stuck with it. It shows that anyone here will start what they finish and that quality will take you far in life."



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